The Real Sally Story

Real Sally Story:

Real Sally
A little girl with a bear in her hands walked calmly through the streets of the city. It was a deep night. Almost everyone was already asleep. Practically But not it. It's not like people. She's a ghost! She's a murderer! Sally is ruthless. She hates people. Cannot stand to the spirit. They are garbage for her.

The girl was looking for victims, for her "game." People could not resist her big, pretty eyes and took her to stay with her, give her drink and warm her. Well, imagine: you see a little sweet little girl, with a bear in her hands, covered in blood, her dress all in the mud and barefoot, only in thin slippers. Well, how can I not invite her to my place?

Entering the entrance, she easily crossed several floors. Climbing to the eighth floor, she sees a smoking guy in front of him. He caused disgust for the baby, but Alder restrained herself. Reaching the guy, she painted a sick, unhappy girl.

The guy, not expecting to see the child, choked on a cigarette.
Finally, coming out of the stupor, he decided to speak first:
"W-what's the matter, little one?" - Quietly, but the stammer asked the guy.
- Play with me! - From such a statement, the guy realized that there was something wrong and started backing off to the front door.
Sally kept coming, repeating "Play with me!"

The guy quickly in horror closed all the locks and, running into his room, climbed under the blanket.
The girl went through the closed door without problems.
The young man was trembling under the blanket for fear.
- Play with me! - Sally shouted and went to the kitchen to take something sharp.
It was a knife for cutting meat. The little girl laughed ominously and went into the room to the guy who prayed that this devilish creature could not find him.

Sally sees him. Sally feels his fear. She walked silently to the bed and stuck a knife in his leg. A few minutes later the whole cry of the guy was heard for the entire apartment, or maybe for the whole entrance. The cry of the guy did not scare the ghost; this cry for her was like a lullaby.
- What are you doing? Cried the guy, crawling to the corner of the bed from the ghost. She only smiles broadly, holding a bloody knife in her hand. Sally slowly moved toward the victim and ... suddenly became invisible.

The young man rose abruptly from his bed and ran from the room. Only he crossed the threshold of his room, as a knife stabbed into his shoulder. The victim fell to the floor, writhing with pain, and on the windowsill sat smiling Sally. She liked to look at the suffering of the guy.

Alder slowly dismounted from the window sill and walked calmly to the man with a calm, firm step. After pulling out the knife, she began to make shallow cuts on her back. Then she began to make cuts deeper and deeper. The guy got tired of wriggling and he just tolerated it. In his eyes there was pain, there was fear and there were tears.

The ghost turned the guy's belly up and under the back of the guy a bloody puddle began to form. But Sally did not stop. She brutally, but carefully, made deep wounds. The guy was all wounded and Sally was tired of listening to the silence. Having ceased to make wounds, the murderer rose sharply and quickly went to the kitchen. The rugged young man tried to get up, but everything was floating before his eyes. Hardly having focused vision, he saw under itself a pool of blood.

The girl came back with a big butcher knife. The eyes of the poor boy instantly rounded and again screamed. Sally chopped off his hand. The victim screams, the murderer laughs. Everything is as usual. He chokes with his tears. She laughs at his helplessness.

The guy tries to crawl away, but it's hard for him. Sally does nothing, she watches his actions. After all, they are all different. Someone escapes, someone tries to fight, somebody suffers, etc., and the guy kept trying to crawl at least to the corridor ...

The girl stands and grins, holding a butcher's knife in one hand, and in the other her battered, old, but such a dear bear. Her eyes were filled with insanity and a desire to kill him, but she loves, until the victim is tormented. Long to suffer.

After ceasing to smile, she tightened her grip on the butcher's knife and slowly moved to the guy who was trying to get ... to the front door, but at the same time he began to lose consciousness and possibly die. In his eyes, it became more and more muddy, his movements became less and less. She went up to him and sharply stabbed the knife in his heart.

- Play with me! - The last thing I heard, the guy, dying.


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